Stress, Stress ARGGGHHH!
Arghh my life right at this moment isn't the best. All it is right now is stress and trying to find a place to live. Basically everyone in this class knows what I am talking about so I am not embarressed to talk about it. Me and my dad got into a HUGE fricken fight last wednesday and he told me some bad stuff and called me down and blah blah blah and then he kicked me out cuz I finally stood up for my rights and for myself plus my little brother. I am the only one in my family who is not afraid to stick up for myself if I am not feeling comfortable at home. So, anyway it left me with no place to stay. Well, thats not true. I have been staying at Ryan's house here in town with him because his mom seen me crying that wednesday night and I have been staying there since. And now I might be staying at my step-brothers here in town. But last night I went home and talked to my dad and told him to come concilling with me. So he did agree. And I also told him that if he doesnt change than I will NEVER be returning home. I will have a place to stay in 2 weeks if he doesnt change his way.
I love you babe for sticking beside me even though I was stressed out. And I appreciate what his mom did for me!!! LOVE YOU ALL!
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