Last Blog EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeesss!!! Only 5 days left to go until highschool for me is DONE! This is my last blog ever .... which I have to admit, I'm pretty happy. I loved what I have learnt in highschool and I love who I have met. I have learnt that true friends are the ones you go through all the highschool drama fights with but are still together in the end.. And that's what makes highschool special. This school has got to be my least favorite known for all the drama but I am thankful that I got to meet awesome people who I will never forget. I have best friends who have graduated, who are in my grade right now, and who are younger than I am ... But they will be my friends until the day I die. I'm also very fortunate that I can here becuase now I have someone I can wake up to every morning ... and I know he cares about me all the time. And I have never felt this way about anyone in my life. And also, Mrs. wadlegger (now I'm not just saying this becuase you are my teacher but ... ) you are my favorite teacher ... We got off on the wrong foot, but as I got older and more mature I have realized that you too are as human as I am .. and now I can talk to you pretty much about anything. And I thank you for being such a great teacher in everything you have taught me ... Hope you get rich too one day and never have to teach again :P ... Go out and explore places ....
I will miss you all ... but I will come back to see you when I get time!
I will miss you all ... but I will come back to see you when I get time!
I too, wish that all your dreams come true, Kaitlyn. We may have gotten off to a rough start, but I am so pleased to have you in my classes this year. Please do stop in and say hi anytime. And this doesn't have to be your last blog -I would love it if you could write once in a while and keep us informed of your new life. Good luck, Kaitlyn, as you start the next stage of your life.
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