Monday, December 10, 2007

What An Amazing Weekend

This weekend went so well. I had sooo sooo much fun. Me and Ryan are finally becoming better and finally starting to understand eachother a lot more than before. Fighting is the worst thing ever but it's true what they say, fighting makes you understand a person more and brings you closer together. But anyway, this weekend with him was just awesome! Friday he came and saw me and we rented Spiderman 3 which is a really really good movie. Saturday we went to his work christmas dinner/party thingy which also turned out to be fun. We all met up at the Lodge for a big dinner and then headed back to the Shapanskey's place to do the Secret Santa gifts and "party" lol. That night was awesome, got to meet some new people who turned out to be pretty sweet. And then on sunday we rented The Invisible which was a really confusing movie. And ummm, later that night, I went to go watch him play hockey. Ryan is a great goalie. No wonder why he has such great reflexes. And this morning Ryan gave me a ride to school and then headed back home in Kamloops. I never got to talk to him tonight cuz I guess he called here when I wasn't home and left a message for me not to call him cuz he is talking to his dad about his truck. I guess something else is wrong with it. Ryan likes his truck and I agree it's a nice little truck, but omg!! I'm sick of worrying if he will make it home or not since so many things go wrong with his truck. But I love him to death.


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