Gettin Started On Christmas Shopping

Ryan and I went walking around the mall today and in wal-mart to get some christmas shooping started. I have hardly any money I can spend this year but I still didn't stay cheep. So far I bought my sister a shirt from Garage and a pair of pink fuzzy comfy pj's and also some headbands. I bought my brother a FOX shirt, I bought my grandma I wolf snow glob that lights up, and I bought my mom pink care-bear PJ's and some chocolate and a State Of Shock cd, and I am still looking for something for my dad. Which I am going to go look for tomorrorw. Ryan and I promised eachother the only gift that we were gonna get eachother this year was to see eachother on Christmas. We get eachother gifts all the time so we thought the most romantic thing to get was to just be able to see one another. I LOVE CHRISTMAS and I soooo can't wait for all the decorations and the lights and the songs and movies and everything!
That's all for now .... Toodlez!
That's all for now .... Toodlez!
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