Today is friday and I never went to school on the count of me being sick. It sucks. I got to sleep in till 11:00 though which was pretty sweet. But anyway, tomorrow Jon and Michelle are heading to Kamloops to go get some graceries and to go grab my hair dye. Yes I am going back blonde. My ACTUAL hair color IS dirty blonde so that I what I am goin back to. My blonde hair IS coming out from my brown hair but it is coming out tooooooo slow so I am just gonna dye it back.
But, other than that, Michelle has invited me and Ryan to start partying with her at her friends' places. Which is gonna be pretty sweet so we might end up doing that tonight or tomorrow night.
But other than all this, me and my sister are still not talking on the count of her being stuck up and making me look like the bad one when I haven't done anything wrong at all.... Sometimes I don't get her but I am at the point now where I just dont care.
-- My life is nothnig to brag about. It used to be, but now it's not. Everything is taking a wrong turn. The only thing I feel like I have left is Ryan and some of my friends. --